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We make sustainability a positive experience

Graphic illustrating strategy, representing planning and approach for driving global change

CHANGESthatMATTER support you in:

  • Purpose Definition

  • Sustainability Strategy and Roadmap

    • Fast-track Workshop on Sustainability

    • Sustainability Scan

    • Stakeholders' analysis and engagement

    • Sustainability Strategy definition and coordination

    • Support to embed sustainability within strategy

    • Regenerative business models inspiration

    • Sustainability / ESG / Climate objectives and roadmaps

  • Sustainability Compliance

    • CSRD reporting support

    • Double Materiality assessment

    • CSRD Impulse Workshop

    • CSRD Accelerator

Building a future-proof sustainability strategy

Unleash the power of a sustainable business.


  • You want to understand where your company stands in terms of sustainability compared to your competitors.

  • You aim to inspire and convince your leadership team to commit to an ambitious and forward-thinking sustainability strategy.

  • You need support to ensure compliance with CSRD¹ requirements.

  • You are looking forward to exploring new opportunities and shaping your next ambition for sustainability.

  • You're seeking inspiration from industry best practices and pioneers to understand the right steps to take and where to begin.


¹ Corporate Sustianability Reporting Directive

People Awareness and Empowerment Graphic

Let's collaborate to choose the most effective format for engaging and empowering your team.

  • Climate Pitch conference

  • "Serious game” workshops

    • Planetary Boundaries Collage

    • Climate Fresk        

    • Digital Collage

    • Biodiversity Collage

    • Circular Economy Collage

    • 2tonnes Workshop

  • People Empowerment

  • Climate Fresk Training         

  • Sustainability upskilling

  • Sustainable leaders developmen

  • Mentoring / Coaching

  • Blitz expertise

  • Sustainability / Climate / ESG Champions community's support

Empowering your teams and stakeholders

Accelerate your journey towards sustainability.


  • You are seeking impactful conferences, workshops and training to raise sustainability awareness and inspire actions

  • You want to build a strong community of sustainability champions, leveraging a train-the-trainer approach

  • You aim to foster a culture of sustainability by empowering people to drive meaningful, positive changes that matter

Footer graphic with a power symbol, representing energy or empowerment related to global change initiatives
Implementation and Measurement Graphic

To make changes that matter happens, we support you in:

  • BCorpcertification journey

  • Implementation

    • Change Management and Communication

    • Stakeholders' management

    • Assessment and selection of initiatives

    • Transformation roadmap coordination

  • Measurement

    • Socioeconomic and environmental Impact measurement     

    • Carbon Footprint assessment

    • Life Cycle Assessment

    • Definition and implementation of steering and animation tools

Driving impactful sustainability initiatives

Ensure effective change and measurement.

  • You want to harvest the results of your sustainability strategy

  • You aim to measure your corporate or product footprint

  • You want to leverage the transformative power of BCorpcertification

Get in touch

Let’s explore together how you can leverage the full benefits of our services, our experience and skills for your company’s journey towards sustainability.

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